Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Current International Topics....
Assessing the Influence of Different Early
Childhood Development Models on
Pre-School Children’s School Readiness in Kenya.
Assessment of Interaction and Stimulation in
Single-Mother Low-Income Families.
Assessment of the Caring Practices in Two
Motherless Babies’ Homes in Abia State, Nigeria and the Development and
Delivery of a Nutrition Training Program to the Staff of These Homes to Improve
Nutrition of Children in Their Care.
As I was exploring the international website, I’ve learned the
well-being of children and family is the focus. Also, some of the concerns and
issues are the same one we have in the U.S. For example, in Nigeria, there is a
project, which looked at people’s understanding of “effective collaboration,”
is the development of a guide on effective parent-school collaboration (ECDVU,
2005). In the US, you can find several
studies on how to build partnership with parents and the school.
What was a great add to the website was the different
publication on early childhood in Africa. I was able to find an article dealing
with, strengthening Africa’s contributions to child development research. With
the variety of dated publication, it gives a good understand of child
ECDVU. (2005). Early childhood development virtual university
(ecdvu) sub-saharan africa (ssa). Retrieved from