Monday, May 14, 2012

Research that Benefits Children and Families (Week 3)

        Currently I work under a school readiness program, and a research study was conducted to evaluate the program.  The readiness program was designed to help prepare children for school by providing funding support for early childhood services through community/county collaborations that address the unmet needs of young children and family (High/Scope Educational Research Foundation, 2006). The research study examined the quality of services provided to the children and families through home visitation programs, child care initiative programs, and 4K programs. The outcome was to continue identity the neediest families to help. Also, participants in all programs showed significant increases in their pre- and post-assessments.
        I believe the study was able show children and families in quality care programs, can lead to stronger developmental skills for the child to enter 1st grade ready. With more pressure for children to succeed, it is imperative for program initiatives for our children’s future.

High/Scope Educational Research Foundation.  (2006). From implementation to impact: An evaluation of the South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness program: Executive summary. Columbia: South Carolina First Steps to School Readiness. Retrieved April 29, 2009, from


  1. Andrea,
    I'm interested in quality programs that meet the educational needs of our children. The transition to kindergarten is so over whelming for some students. We need more programs that prepare the to assessments at all levels.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post. Home visits are great. I do home visits twice a year and you can learn a lot about the children from the home visits. I let my parents know that I am not going to judge them on their living status. I just want them to get to know me and the preschool program. Once I let them know that I am at their home to help them with the transition of their child starting school them let their guards down.
