Thursday, May 31, 2012

“Research Around the World”-Week 5

Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Current International Topics....
·         Assessing the Influence of Different Early Childhood Development Models on
Pre-School Children’s School Readiness in Kenya.

·         Assessment of Interaction and Stimulation in Single-Mother Low-Income Families.

·         Assessment of the Caring Practices in Two Motherless Babies’ Homes in Abia State, Nigeria and the Development and Delivery of a Nutrition Training Program to the Staff of These Homes to Improve Nutrition of Children in Their Care.

As I was exploring the international website, I’ve learned the well-being of children and family is the focus. Also, some of the concerns and issues are the same one we have in the U.S. For example, in Nigeria, there is a project, which looked at people’s understanding of “effective collaboration,” is the development of a guide on effective parent-school collaboration (ECDVU, 2005).  In the US, you can find several studies on how to build partnership with parents and the school.

What was a great add to the website was the different publication on early childhood in Africa. I was able to find an article dealing with, strengthening Africa’s contributions to child development research. With the variety of dated publication, it gives a good understand of child development. 

ECDVU. (2005). Early childhood development virtual university (ecdvu) sub-saharan africa (ssa). Retrieved from


  1. Hi Andrea,

    it is important to build relationships with parents and the school. I also find great information from the article that I chose the one that interested me was can we make children smarter; this article gave some important information on preparing our children to be smarter. I enjoyed your post.

  2. Hi Andrea,

    I also enjoyed exploring the website, as it took me to lots of different aspects of research. It was good to see how other countries are working toward the same early childhood goals that we want. Building positive relationships with the famillies is a great step in the education of young children. Great post.


  3. Hi Andrea,
    I found learning about international topics and other countries views on early childhood interesting.I think it is important to understand how others build relationships with children.I enjoyed your blog.
