Sunday, June 17, 2012

When I Think of Research……


During this course, I learned that I can be a researcher. I understand there is a process to follow, and I’m capable to master being a researcher by following the process. Also, I learned there are a lot pieces that go into a research study. It is not just forming a question it is examining resources, such as other studies for comparison.


The research process should not be taken lightly. I thought research was just looking up some facts and analyzing data. I understand each piece that goes into the research project is important.


During this process, I’ve learn when doing an early childhood study you to have a “blueprint” before doing the study. For example, deciding if the study design will be qualitative or quantitative study. Also, understanding you have to have a process when selecting participants for the study.


One challenge I had is after week 2 I decided to change my research topic. After choosing my first topic, I was unsure if I could build a quality research simulation after reflecting on some articles on the topic. I made the decision, with guidance from our professor to change my topic, and was able to build a quality research simulation study.


 Since going through this course, I see early childhood as a research base field. A lot of practices, curriculum, and process are based on research data. As an early childhood professional, I’ve learned research plays an enormous part in our profession because it predicts what we do.


  1. Andrea,

    I like your comment about "blueprints" and agree with you. I learned that organization and planning has to occur for a research study to be successful. Without the proper planning, so many areas could go wrong in the reserach study. I enjoyed reading your blog this year. Good luck in journey.


  2. Hi Andrea,

    I agree with you one of my challenges was to change my research topic at least twice. I agree that every step of research is very important; and it does require a lot of practices.

  3. You mentioned curriculum and research in your "Perceptions" comment. The curriculum studies are the ones that cause me the most anxiety as I am concerned about researcher bias. When High Scope announced the results of a new 14 year longitudinal study on the benefit of early education on low income children - they have an investment in that study. High Scope is a major curriculum developer for Head Start and State Preschool programs. I think that this when considered alongside the High Scope Perry Preschool study merits some reflection.

  4. I really enjoyed reading your post and I love the picture you included. I agree with you that research plays an important part in the early childhood field. Doing research gives us ways that we can better our children and prepare them for the future. Best Wishes!!!

  5. Andrea,
    I agree the blueprint is essential. I had to change my design again in week eight which was also one of my challenges. I believe it is for the better after reviewing the comments from our instructor. I've enjoyed reading your post and sharing ideas and information through the discussion board. Best of Luck!
